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Shasta Forestry Institute for Teachers


The Forestry Institute for Teachers (FIT) is an immersive, week-long Professional Learning Program providing interdisciplinary, hands-on experiences for California Educators. FIT is a program of the California Society of American Foresters, jointly administered by the University of California. FIT collaborates with Project Learning Tree, Project WET, CAL FIRE and the US Forest Service to develop its education components.

Each year, FIT brings together formal and non-formal educators from across California to learn about current forestry issues and how they influence our everyday lives. FIT provides forest-based training in environmental literacy with award-winning environmental education curriculum that support and enhance the Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core State Standards, Career and Technical Education Standards, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Mathematics)-based instruction.

To learn more about FIT, or to register, please visit: https://www.forestryinstitute.org

Details of the Shasta FIT

The Shasta FIT session takes place at an outdoor field camp located near Shingletown, CA. This location provides close access to a diversity of forest management activity including timber harvesting, lumber manufacturing, wildfire restoration, and wildlife enhancement. Throughout the week,  professionals from UC Cooperative Extension, USDA Forest Service, National Park Service, CAL FIRE, private industry, consulting land managers and environmental advocacy groups work with FIT participants to share their knowledge and experience.