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4-H Enrollment & More

4-H Enrollment

The 4-H program year is July 1 - June 30.

In Shasta County, youth ages 5-19 are eligible to participate in 4-H.  To be a member a child must be between the ages of 5 - 18 as of December 31, 2024.  4-H members must enroll annually. 

Enrollment & Other Costs

The member enrollment fee of $87 includes accident insurance when participating in 4-H meetings, events, and activities.  

Any additional costs will depend on the type of projects and the amount of activities the member chooses to undertake in 4-H.  These costs vary from project to project.  Local 4-H Leaders can advise you at the beginning of the 4-H year as to expected costs.  Some project and activity costs may be covered by club fundraisers during the year.  You can ask your Club leader about local 4-H Club fundraisers and your responsibilities to assist with them when you register to enroll in 4-H.

Need help with fees? Please contact your Community Club Leader or the 4-H Office to find out how we can help.  Our goal is for all interested youth to have the opportunity to participate in our program.

Joining 4-H is easy, simply follow the enrollment process below!


4-H Youth Member Enrollment Steps:

STEP 1.  Find and contact your local club to connect with a Community Club Leader.  A great way to pick a club is based on what projects they offer and what area the club holds their monthly meetings. 

STEP 2. To enroll for the 2024-2025 program year you will need to create a family profile, and youth profile in Z-Suite. (Online Enrollment is Open!)

STEP 3. Your club will collect your annual program fee(s). 

  • 2024-2025 Program Fee, Youth Member: $87

  • Fee waivers are available. Please connect with your club leader for more information. 

STEP 4. Start participating in club meetings, projects, and events!

Tip Sheets

ZSuite Member/Volunteer Enrollment Tip-sheet 6.30.24

Updating Health History Information

Helpful Videos

Login for New Families

Adding a Household Member Profile

Adding a Youth Member Enrollment

Adding an Adult Volunteer Enrollment

Updating an Enrollment

Updating Health History Information

The 2024-25 Event Calendar will be posted soon.