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4-H Supplies


Official 4-H uniform and supplies can be purchased  from Leslie Carman 4-H Supplies.

In addition, the Shasta 4-H Office carries a small supply of ties, collars, hats and record book covers for sale. 

FYI:  The vendor recently raised their prices.

$33 Hat / $24 Scarf / $22 Tie / $4.50 Record Book cover

We accept cash or check, although check is preferred as we have very little change on hand.

The price above includes S&H and tax.  There is no mark-up from the price we pay the supplier.

The 4-H uniform hat is a source of pride for the California 4-H Youth Development Program. 

California is the only state to have a 4-H uniform hat!

Many members use the hat to display their achievement pins.  A 4-H uniform hat is NOT required for membership in the California 4-H Youth Development Program or for participation in any 4-H activity, event, or occasion.

Hat Pins

4-H Supplies

Other 4-H apparel and accessories can be purchased at Shop 4-H.

Recycled 'Whites' Available

The Shasta 4-H office has a quantity of previously used 4-H whites available to share with members who are in need of white pants or shirts to wear to the Fair or other 4-H ‘dress’ events.

The office is located at 1851 Hartnell Avenue, Redding, CA.